Ya know "Mr. I don't know" the guy who gets blamed for all things that go missing in a day. Well, I guess he could be called Mr. nobody, Mr. not me or Mr. ghost (Jacob's friend).
I now have visions of this "
guy" walking around our home unseen, unheard, just finding random items to steal or hide away, never to be found again!
If you have been to my home you know that for the most part I live by the motto "a place for everything and everything in its place". I have been know to stay up until the weeee hours searching for the one little lego piece or the one little puzzle piece, because I wont sleep if I cant find it and get the set complete!
So, last night when Emily's baby went missing, I about freaked out!! Now, mind you her baby goes missing just about everyday because we let her take it every place (expect the store). Usual night time routine in our home consists of the normal things, plus going on a baby hunt. Last night, the baby hunt ensued and we could not find her anyplace...the kids spent most of the day outside so really we only had a couple place that we thought it could be. I even took the flashlight outside in the woods and looked all over for her. Emily of course is no help looking for her even though she is always torn up about it, she tends to think baby is everywhere!! (if that makes sense)
Well, I was us until around 12:00 last night checking and re checking every inch of the house, garage, woods, and van. NOTHING!!!
quick facts:
*this is the 5th baby we have lost
*the second baby we have lost IN THE HOUSE
*I have found baby before in the garage refrigerator, the closet, the drawer to an end table, and stuffed into a little tiny box that really should have only fit about 10 marbles!!
*Emily has used a baby since she was about 6 months old and loves them super stinky!
*today she said "its okay momma if baby is gone, I will just buy a new one"!!It will be me however buying it, scraping the silk with a fine tooth comb to make it scruffy for her, rubbing it all over various surfaces of the house to make it smelly enough for her and me again looking for it the next time it gets taken by Mr.I don't know!!