Kids are all liking the new school. It really is brand new, so they are experiencing it for the first time along with all the other kids. It's a beautiful school with two floors so the "big kids" go upstairs and the "littler kids" stay down.
On the second day Emily was ready to walk alone to class so I reluctantly let her go and watched from the hall the whole time, making sure she made it to the right room. She has no time for tears, fears or silly moms who wont let go!!!!
Jacob is LOVING his new class. The teacher is really engaging the children and he seems to really enjoy all things NON FICTION, so that is great. Right now they are learning about maps. We had him map out out trip to Ohio that is coming up and he felt sooooo proud as he was able to answer all my questions without hesitation about the map! He said its because "they learned all that really easy stuff in like, first grade"!!
Katelyn was super exited to have a "boy" for a teacher this year and now she might be re thinking that. She was really excited to find that he was a huge history buff, something that Katelyn and Jacob both find very fascinating. He and his family travel around the country to different battle sights and take pictures and such so that when they talk about these things in class he can show the kids. He was in the military and so he brings a bit of that also into the class room, something Katelyn has found she is not so sure of...
I can tell you that ALL of last year she
maybe had one instance of having a code wrote in her folder for forgetting something or whatever. (a code being a number assigned to a rule)
This year (less than two weeks in) she has had to "walk laps" TWICE already. Poor thing.
Its really for little things that she did forget (new rules) and its is teaching her to follow through and be responsible, I get all that, but I really already want to have a talk with that teacher!! (kidding...kinda)
I was giving Katelyn a bit of a teasing at the table last night and I told her, "you keep up this pattern and you will be just like I was in school. Getting detention, walking to the principals office, notes home to the parents".
To which she replied, "But I don't want to be like you were in school, I have seen your report cards"!!!!!!!