Summers go by so fast even when we try to slow them down. We fill up the weekend and week days with fun new adventures and laughter with friends, we put school and alarm clocks in the backs of our minds and yet they still seems to make their way all to quickly back into our lives.
This summer I've enjoyed getting up early with the pets, hearing all the sounds of morning and spending coffee time sometimes with John. Making breakfast for everyone and knowing that whenever they decide to wake up, they will have healthy food to fuel them for whatever their day looks like.
It's different but the same in our house this summer.
Not everyone wants to go to the pool everyday like last summer But everyone does want to sleep in.
Not everyone wants to go for night walks and look for frogs but they do still enjoy camping out in each others bedrooms and laughing into the early morning hours.
The basketball hoop doesn't see many balls pass through it but the kitchen sees littler hands navigating it and learning some new skills.
Legos get dusty but precious conversations between siblings can be heard while painting nails or deep cleaning bedrooms and seeing memories that we thought were lost.
School work sneaks it's way into some days and plans for the fall seap into conversation. Advice for new high schools and middle schoolers. Plans to enjoy every bit of Junior year.
Laundry sits a little longer, toilets get moldy, showers may or may not happen, because "I washed in the lake" seems to be an appropriate response to "have your showered this week".
Workouts still happen, though at all different times and with thoughts of patio sitting, wine and friends on my mind.
This is summer and I wish it would go on forever.