Tonight after dinner I told Jacob that I was going to get them all in bed a bit earlier tonight, around 7:30pm just to see if they would wake up better in the morning. To this he responded "what, you mean you are using me as a science experiment??"
Sorry I haven't posted since last weekend, we haven't really been up to much just school and stuff like that. Everyone is doing fine other than Katelyn came home sick today with a stomach ache and a headache...stay tuned!!
Emily is really enjoying preschool, she is working on some sight words (A and I) and really enjoys going to prize box!! She is very good at keeping track of when she gets to go!! Last time she went she was thrilled to find that they had littlest pet shop animals, she got a turtle!
Jacob's Marks are wonderful in school and he is doing great and trying really hard to like school and give it 100%. He is such a smart boy, he just doesn't have "time" for school! :)
Katelyn is doing well, she can teach me a thing or two! Really, the math that girl is doing I was doing in the sixth grade! She is holding her own and seems to enjoy it! (I am holding my own also, thanks to the Internet and the web site called math is fun) HA!HA!
John's new job is going really well, he is really enjoying the people he works for, the new atmosphere, and the new challenges! He does not like the travel, but has done great with calling the kids every morning before school and every night before bed. He is truly wonderful, that man of mine!
We got his new business cards in the mail and the kids were very impressed!! Jacob opened the box and said "WOW, Dad is already the vice president of the company, he is gooood, he just started this job!!"
Katelyn said "well, he did work at RDWY for 12 years, so he knows what he is doing!"
It's great to have supporters!!
Everyone asks me what I do now that Emily is in preschool for three hours. I Clean, cook, walk the dog, work out at the gym and try to watch Ellen!
Emily has been asking a lot of questions about God and Jesus lately. As a matter of fact she was up last night at 12:30 asking me about how God made her in my belly and if god would make her a new baby because she really wants to have a "Gull" baby to call Chrystal.
She also asked me if God was real, made up, or just invisible.
I tried to explain to her that God was more "in her heart" and she seemed to get it though most likely not, she has been asking what happens when you die to your body, like if your body floats up to heaven, and is certain that when you get old you forget everything and even your Family.
Curious little minds our children have, if only we had ALL the answers!