I cant believe it has been so long since I last blogged!! We have been keeping pretty busy lately and time just gets away from me! Plus I found this new thing (new to me) called facebook and I have been having way to much fun messing around with that at night after the kids go to bed, so I am sorry I haven't been keeping up!!
So since I last blogged we have celebrated Uncle Brads Birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
We had him over for Taco's and cake. The kids took it upon themselves to look for gifts for him and cut some paper and wrap them up! It was so cute to hear them upstairs running around trying to find something in their room that he would like!
Katelyn gave him some candy.
Emily gave him a little sponge bob notebook.
Jacob used his own money and bought him some starburst candy from the store.
We think he had a great time!!
School is going well, Emily really enjoys school and is having fun. She is a little mad about the fact that after she gets four circle happy faces for good behavior and gets to go the prize box, she has to start ALL over at zero!! Every week we go over this because not everyone gets prize box at the same time, so she is assuming that these children DON'T have to start over!! So hard to explain to her!!
Katelyn is holding her own in her AIG classes, although she is a little (LOT) mad when she gets less than an A on a paper. She truly amazes me everyday by how much she just loves school and learning! She just "gets it" ya know! I feel as though I went through school lost the whole time, but she just breezes in and does what she needs to do!
Jacob is doing great in school also, his grades are great and he is really starting the become excited about school and what he is learning! His teacher said he is like an old man in a group of children, because he doesn't get caught up in all the fooling around and what not. He does have some listening to directions issues, but we will work those kinks out in no time I am sure! I really believe he is staring to LOVE school!
John is loving his new Job at Hub group! He made the comment the other day that he has been able to take the kids to school and tell them to have a great day more since he has been at Hub than his whole entire career at RDWY!! It has been wonderful, he gets to take the kids to school generally every Monday and sometimes Tuesdays, He is home fore dinner usually two to three days a week and when he is not home he has been calling the kids and me in the morning and then again right before bedtime! Katelyn can email him for help on her homework and they can talk to him about anything.
I know it still sounds a little crazy, but for us, this is GREAT and our Family has become so much more close knit that when he was at RDWY!! He is not to tired on the weekends and having to still work, so we have been able to do some fun things on Saturday and Sunday also! SO happy for him!!
I hope this post finds all of you happy, healthy and enjoying FALL TIME!!
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