Saturday we had a Halloween party with some of our friends and their children and everyone, I think, had a wonderful time! The kids could not stand waiting for everyone to get here and once they did this house was so loud, John compared it to chuck E cheese! I say it was a tad louder, but very controlled! HA!HA!
We mad all kinds of gross food, like monster toes, witch eye balls, putrid punch, bat wings and skeleton bones! We also had some games set up that were really fun, like pin the nose on the pumpkin, face painting, monster soup, candy corn toss, mask making and this game where a donut is hanging on a string and you have to try to eat it without using your hands! SO FUNNY! I think I was crying I was laughing so hard! The party lasted from 2:00 until the last guest left at around 10:30! It was a really fun day!! The kids even slept in until 7:58 am!!
Looking forward to the rest of the Halloween festivities!!