Driving down the road in town...
Emily: Mommy what are those big rocks?
Me: That is a cemetery.
Emily: What is a cemetery?
Me: Remember Mommy telling you about them? When people die their body goes to the cemetery.
Emily: Where at the cemetery?
Me: Well, the body goes into a pretty wooden box and gets burried in the ground and those big rocks have names on them of the person that died so other people can come and know where they are.
Emily: Does it hurt? When they put that big Rock on the person?
Me: Well no honey because that person has died and they don't feel it.
Emily: Well, I am NEVER getting dead!! Or maybe I am because I have a really bad stuffy nose now!
Me: Oh, honey, you are not going to die from a stuffy nose! You are going to live for a very, very,very long time!! Mommy is to!!!
Emily: When do you die?
Me: Well, its different for everyone. Some people die in accidents and some people get really sick and others just get really old.
Emily: Is Grandma old?
Me: No honey, she is NOT old, she is going to live for a really long time to!
Emily: I don't know about this dead stuff!!
Me: Me either baby!
Just one of the many talks with one of the kids that brings me back to reality! Children have a way of doing that, Bringing us back to reality! Most of the time they help us to see WONDERFUL things around us that we miss in a normal day because we are so busy and task focused, Those moments I cherish with everything that I am!
Moments like the above, just make me want to cry my eyes out! I Hope that I was able to shed a bit of light on her questions and not scare her, but my reality is that I don't have ALL the answers and I can only TRY to give comfort. All the while knowing that some day in our future I will have to help my children deal with the reality of death.
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