1. Jacob lost his tooth!!! He was so excited!! It happened at 6:00am on Monday morning. He woke up and just yelled that it fell out. No big deal, no blood, no pain, and now he is ready for tooth number two to fall out which will most likely happen in the next week or so.
2. When Jacob woke up Tuesday (today) morning he came in our room at around 5:30am and said the tooth fairy did NOT come. I was half awake and told him to go check again. He left and never came back in so I got up to go and check on him. He was awake, as was Katelyn. I said so, did you find anything under your pillow? He said Yeah, I found a five dollar bill folded into a paper airplane! I said WOW!! He said Yeah, kinda suspicious!! I said what, what do mean?
Well, he says, we have been making a lot of paper airplanes lately and dad is really good at it, so maybe HE is the tooth fairy, and YOU told me to go and check again when I told you I didn't find anything, so maybe YOU are the tooth fairy!!
To this, I stood stunned, speechless, heart about to break!! OH NO!! But then....
Katelyn says, yeah and we think Santa is kinda suspicious as well, because you never see him, yet you get what you want, and you have an alarm system. Plus you and Dad NEVER let us put the video camera up to try and catch him!!
OH NO times ten!!!!!!
Needless to say, me and John have some smart talking to do! HELP US all you parents who have been through this already!
3. When reading books to Emily the other night she is sitting on my lap and I notice that every time I am ready to change the page, she licks her finger and rubs it on the page. Nothing more, just licks it and rubs the page! At first I am just grossed out and think WHY is she doing that? Then I realize, oh, she is licking her finger like I do to turn the page!
so cute to see that little finer all slobbery being wiped on the pages! (once I figured it out)
4. Katelyn is obsessed with knowing who I voted for! She will stop at nothing to find out!! Trying to trick me and catch me slipping up. Me and John have explained to them that it is a personal choice and something you should keep to yourself. She even tried again to get it out of me right before I tucked he into bed by saying "in the morning we will know who the new president is right mom, hope your guy wins, who is that again that you voted for?"
5.Emily is starting to really sound out words and try to spell things on her own. Most of the time she only has one or two letter for the actual word, but so exciting to see he putting it all together!