Halloween was a blast this year. All the kids were very excited about what they chose be this year and had a big helping hand in making the costumes come to life. Katelyn wanted to be a realistic Indian, not flashy and a blue line across her face was a must as it meant that she was "unmarried"!!
Jacob wanted to have snakes and bugs all over his swamp monster costume and they looked super cool until...they ALL fell off as we put ON the costume before trick or treating!! Emily wanted to be a fairy, so I decided to use an old dress up outfit and revamp it into a flower fairy. She helped pick out all the flowers with me and put them on. She kept calling herself a "crystal, flower ballerina fairy princess"!! She was sooooo excited every time she went to a house and someone said she was CUTE! It was so cute! They RAN hard for about the first 30 minutes and then by about half way through the neighborhood they were ALL ready to head for home.
This I think was the first year that we had "outsiders" (people not in the Fam) come over to the house for Halloween dinner (sloppy joes and a ton of other fixins). Our good friends the Pughs came over with their girls. Katelyn's friend Anna came over and we met Jacob's friend Ian along the way so each of the kids had a friend to walk with. Fun for them and us as we had grown ups to chat with. Grandma Tina and Uncle Brad also came along, making the whole day complete!!
Each of our kids got a ROCK in their bags AGAIN. No idea how that happens, but they really LOVE it! They actually look for it.
The morning after trick or treating they always sort the candy into groups and pick out the items they dont like, trade eachother and share the things that me and John like!!
This year they had a grand plan that they would set up a stand outside in front of the house and have a sale of the things that they didnt like. There target consumer would be adults who dont get to trick or treat and who have kids that dont share!
.25 cents for big candy (bite size candy bars) and .10 cents for small items (flavored tootsie rolls)
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