Okay, so here it is! I decided to do this, because my kids have really started to show a huge interest in fitness lately. Wanting to be my running partner, showing me abs and biceps and saying how they "need to workout more because they get tired from doing jumping jacks at PE"! Thats just crazy to me but I guess thats what happens when you stop playing a sport like soccer and start playing tennis. (smaller kids dont move around that much at tennis matches, I'm not bashing tennis. lol)
So this is it. Follow along with each day for the entire month of April. Modify as needed for little kids and older kids can do more rounds of the Monday and Friday if they wish. You can do whatever you like for the FAMILY ACTIVITY day, just get active. Come back and let me know what you did together.
**IF you come back to my blog and comment about how things are going, post the times and such for your kids, I will enter you into a drawing for a special something!! **
**I will enter your name into the drawing once for everyday that you come back and comment**
**Drawing will be done via raffle copter and will be held on the first day of May**
Have fun!! If all goes well and we have a lot of participation, I will be doing more of these challenges!

We are definitely on board over here! I'm also doing a little mini personal challenge to run every day in April even if it's only a mile.
Got ours in this morning before school! Great times with the kids!
Great!! Thanks for posting that you got it done. Hope everyone liked it. My kids all had different reactions to it. One was VERY serious and made sure everyone had proper form, one was very sure of his abilities, and one laugh cried through the whole thing! :) Gonna be a super fun month.
S- a couple days shy of 7. 47 seconds
E - 9.5. 1:02
Me- 1:54
Did it before school since I work tonight. They both agreed to do another round with Dad tonight. He is nursing 3 fractured ribs so I will interested to see his time!
Those are great times! I cant wait to see what everyone can do by the end of the month!
Thanks for posting!
Done! the kids had a blast. THANKS!
We've done this every day so far. Actually, I forgot today and then Julianna said, "Come on Mom! We have to go out for a mile!" So we did.
Boys against the girls
Girls 9:36
Boys- 14:36 to their credit one is broken, one is little and one is a very overweight rescue dog
We totally forgot last night so we added it onto todays!
Wall sits-
Mom-2:07(I think I was way lower though!)
Good times!
Week 2 is off to a great start. So happy it's our spring break!
Did the family challenge at the half-way point of my chest/back workout.... I was so beat.
Kids did great, burpee form is already showing improvement.
E- increased her time by over a minute!
Everyone else except the hubs got a couple extra seconds in!
1 mile run up tomorrow... Rain is my fav running weather but we will see how everyone else does in it!
Tara, thanks for being so on top of this! YOU ROCK!! Your helping me keep MY kids motivated! :)
Last week our run was a rainy one, nothing but hot sunshine today though. HAVE FUN!
No rain run! Beautiful night!
E and I beat her time by 26 seconds.
The boys beat their time by over 2 minutes!
And Dad and E continued on for more miles while the boy and I make some stir fry!
Thanks for the motivation and keeping us accountable!
We forgot the past two days. Uh oh! Gonna have to get back at it tonight. Proud of my daughter for beating me in the wall sit last week so we'll see if I can outlast her tonight.
Note to self- don't do yoga, bike for 4 miles and then a 3 mile run and try to beat the kids at wall sits.... My time was not pretty!
S- improved by 5 seconds
E- improved by 31 seconds-however she just said she may not get out of bed tomorrow!
We had a busy weekend so we did Friday's challenge today. I will say aside from the running one - that one is my fav. All of us lined up on the family room floor counting off our reps together!
Week 3 starts tomorrow!
Family did tonight's workout with out me since I had to work. They did great!
I will be adding tonight's onto tomorrow's planks and my regular workout.... Why? Because I can.... Because I am a runner, a marathoner and tonight my heart hurts. So I will go to bed and wake up tomorrow and move my butt for those who can't.
Planks improved by over 20 seconds for the kids... Parents not so much!
1 mile run-
E-9:06 - a couple seconds faster than last week. She really wanted under 9 but we had to stop twice to tie her shoes.... next week!
S-13:11 a little slower than last week but faster than his first mile but over a minute.
Kids asked if this was the last week. When I told them we had one more to go they asked if we get to make our own monthly schedule next month. They said is HAD to include running!
Wall sits last night! Everyone approved by at least 20 seconds and E got over 4 minutes!
Again 2nd favorite workout tonight!
Thanks for the challenge
Kids improved by over 30 seconds each!
Up for the one mile run tomorrow!
E- is shooting for under 9 minutes.
E-9:05 but this time b/c the dog had to poop! She did run a 7:23 mile at school today also.
S-11:59- his best time yet. we even had to stop to scratch and ankle!
Sad this is our last run of the challenge.
Wall Sits-
S- almost 3 minutes
E-over 5....
And then my favorite Friday night workout- that turned into arm wrestling and attempting plyo pushups!
Thanks for the fun challenge!
It's the end! Boo Hoo!
Thanks for the inspiration and the good times with family. We are going to continue on with our own for May- unless you have something else in mind!
S- planks tired him out tonight- still a good time but he was not happy with it.
E- improved yet again...
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