Wednesday, June 16, 2010

open your ears and you will hear...

Emily, talking with her babies before she went to play legos with Katelyn and Jacob...
"I am going to play now, if any bad guys come and try to get Mommy, kick them in the niblets!!!"

Jacob, while in the bathroom giving Katelyn's fish a funeral... "I'm sorry Katelyn, I keep saying what is your fishes name, because I really don't remember. How many fish do I really know? I don't know what fish names are, I thought Goldie sounded good"

Emily, "Katelyn, just do it! I am a tom boy and I really want that tattoo of a skull with fire on my back. Make it really big so it covers my whole back and write ROCK STAR under it!! Then can you make the white swan on my arm?"

Various ramblings when they found a HUGE wolf spider... "Lets put it in a carbon freeze" "yeah, like Han Solo" "we can collect other bugs and put them in carbon freeze too" "Then we can have people pay to come look at all the bugs" "do you think Mom will let us put them in the freezer?" "we'll use the outside freezer, because bugs really should be outside"

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