Sunday, January 29, 2012

TIme for a change...

Been MIA from blogging for way to long. Life gets busy and I got lazy. I have though decided to get back into it, with a slight change of pace. The main focus of the new blog will be health. I have taken a huge interest in the over all heath of myself and the Family in the last year and have honestly, most likely annoyed the heck out of some people on Face book by my postings about workouts and food. (they can block me at any time though, so I don't feel too bad for them) But...The blog it shall be from now on. My hope is that the people who are interested in halthy eating and fitness will look at my blog and be inspired. Not because I know everything there is to know about these things, but because I am learning, trying and sometimes succeeding and making better choices for myself and the Family. John says he is being drug along for the ride, but we will have more on that later! ha! ha!
I will be posting recipes, workouts, things we are doing separately and as a Family in our journey to being fit and healthy. Every person in my Family has and needs different things in these categories and we will touch on that and the fact that everyone is different and has different goals. THAT'S OKAY!!
There WILL be grammar errors, misspelled words, crazy rants and funny stories. Hope you enjoy!

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