Thursday, February 2, 2012

Goal setting time...

Well, its a new month and I am setting my goals! 

Try a new veggie every week.
Incorperate veggies into EVERY MEAL.
Keep guzzlin that water!  At least 6 large cups per day.

Never leave the house in workout clothes.
Paint my finger and toes a new color every week.

Run at least three times a week.
Add 5 more lbs to my sandbag for squats and such.

Turn my phone off after 9pm and no phone while at homework time with the littles, ITS RUDE.
Do something FUN and outside one day every weekend, which ever day is not rainy.
Contact ALL my brothers in some form (email, txt, letter, or call) once per week.

My goals are not meant to torture me, yet get me into a routine of doing some things that I have NOT been doing.  It should be fun, somehting that makes you smile when you know you have completed them.
Have fun setting your February goals!

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