Monday, May 11, 2015

You can...

You are capable of anything. It's something we tell our children all the time but for some reason don't apply to our own lives. 
Using excuses to stop us from reaching our "anything". 
It's hard, it's scary and sometimes it isn't very fun, to push yourself into a uncomfortable place. To push yourself into a new place where you might have to learn from other people because you don't know everything.  A place where you might feel a lot uncomfortable.   It's so easy for us to tell our children to face your fears, get over being uncomfortable, nothing worth having in life comes easy... 
Listen to that voice.  The voice of you encouraging your kids and friends. Listen to that voice and make it so loud that YOU  listen to it and apply it to your goals. Stop making excuses and get uncomfortable! 
Seeing my kids faces when I show ethen the progress that I have made by getting uncomfortable is priceless.  Hearing them tell me to suck it up and go workout when I'm complaining about being tired, that's awesome! 

Be the example not just the voice! 

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